Monday, November 12, 2012

Pyongtaek Pimpin

 Found a DVD store in town and a Filipino restaurant.  The mom owns the restaurant and the son the DVD store.  Okay, without incriminating myself, let me just say that I am pretty sure if you know where to look on the interwebs you can probably find the files these guys burn on discs to sell in the store.  But, it's important to support local small business owners and all that so we picked some up... For dinner I had longsilog and lumpia with fried rice.  Flan for desert.  No pictures as I didn't have my phone on me.  That was my first time having Filipino food and it was kind of like Chinese and Spanish put together.  I'll definitely go back before we leave.

After a commissary visit and cookware rental from the front desk I could finally make myself dinner.  Nothing fancy but better than the BK Lounge.

And you know I had to throw some Emeril seasoning in there to spice things up:

Hey, I improvise..

Today we walked around the shops outside the gate at Osan AB.  There are shops with pretty much every souvenir you can think of, plenty selling sports jerseys and custom clothing shops.  And mink blankets.  All kinds, all sizes, EVERYWHERE.  I bought from the first shop we were in ($40 for a king size mink blanket) and then we found a store Gary had been before - $25 for a blanket.  And they even boxed them up so yu can just ship them home, a much better deal.  Oh well, now I know. 

Outside were two restaurants or just two separate entrances with some interesting architecture:

And the view from the hotel before dinner..

Tomorrow is more classroom setup, Wednesday starts another round of teaching, and then equipment upgrades after that.  The front desk just called and asked if they could clean my room tomorrow.  I've never had that happen before.  I need to move some stuff so they can get in, my suitcase kind of exploded all over the floor.

Oh, one last thing.  Psy (Gangnam Style guy) is pretty big here as you would imagine.  And he's in a lot of commercials.  This is one of my favorites that comes on.  Watch the dance moves 13 seconds in.  We have the lawn mower, the shopping cart, the sprinkler in America, over here I guess they have the Fridge.

And the girls from  Girls Generation (kpop group) are in commercials too.  If this song doesn't get stuck in your head, well you might not be human.

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