Friday, November 9, 2012

No Shave November (NoShavember)

Live from Camp Humphreys.  The drive down from Yongsan took about 90 minutes, there was a good amount of traffic, but if you remember from an earlier post we ride in the bus lane.  Super HOV.  Lodging is pretty much identical to the Camp Walker Lodge (though hopefully minus the allergy/SARS inducing temperature fluctuations and hot water shortages).  It's always interesting walking into your hotel room for the first time because sometimes they're great and sometimes less so.  We never get put in really sketchy places with bedbugs or anything (though I've heard horror stories), but most on-base lodging is no Hilton or Marriott property.  Take the bathroom for example, don't try to open the door unless you're taking a Slater dump.  Very tight tolerances in there...  And the showerhead could use some CLR.

Being on base means you're always close to food, but it's the same choices on every post.  Which is great if your diet consists solely of Popeye's, Burger King, Taco Bell, and Anthony's Pizza.  If not, you're kind of SOL.  The Shoppette's actually have a decent variety of snack food and I've been picking up Korean noodle soups since they're about 90 cents each.  The one I got last night looked like beef flavor from the picture but I opened the top to find my arch-nemesis.  The other soups I have tried come with 2 packets inside, one with dehydrated vegetables and the other with powdered flavoring.  Except one that I've had before, with a 3rd packet of kimchi.  If you don't like kimchi then you definitely won't like it vacuum sealed in a foil packet for who knows how long.  I tried the kimchi last time and it ruined my under-a-dollar bowl of soup.  So this time it went straight into the trash.  Gangnam style.

So let me back track a bit, we left the Dragon Hill yesterday morning and I picked up an eclair from the bakery (yes there's one in the hotel!) to eat later on.  Also caught a BMW waiting in the parking lot.  Again, pretty rare out here but they are around.

The drive down was pretty much the same as the other drives we've taken, though I spotted an Office Depot.  Kind of funny seeing American brand places over here.  Snagged a photo of a typical gas station, next time I'll check what they're paying for their liquid dinosaurs over here.  Last but not least some Chinooks rowed up (is that grammatically correct?) on the flight line on base.

I also saw this really cool Egyptian-themed mural.  No idea what they're advertising but talk about being out of place.  I want to paint a wall in my house like this...

And thanks to Gary I was able to shave my head.  So much for Noshavember, but I'm starting now.  Expect an Abe Lincoln beard for Christmas.

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