Saturday, November 3, 2012


Headed out to Daegu to settle in to Camp Walker and start teaching.  Last day at the Dragon.

Selfie,  Gangnam Style.

Main lobby in the Dragon.

If we were staying longer I totally would have gone on the tour.

That little space on the left side of the picture, yeah that's my seat.  Just like coach.

Olympic stadium.

As you drove through the tunnels they made a siren sound.  To make people pay attention I think but it was kind of strange.  Also seen on the trip were robotic flag waving construction robots.  They looked like real people but when you got close they weren't.  Cheap labor I guess.

Heart of Daegu.

I thought this room was going to be awesome.  Deets later.  It wasn't.

Night time view from the Dragon.  Picture is out of order I guess but oh well.

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