Saturday, November 3, 2012

Daegu MTV Cribs/Random Thoughts

Ok so the digs in the Camp Walker lodging slowly because my least favorite.  No matter how you set the thermostat in the room, the temperature never changed.  When they replaced our thermostats mid-stay with new electronic ones, I set it down to 65 and the temperature in the room INcreased.  So I opened the window to let some cool air in and the thermostat changed itself to heat instead of cool.

After going to bed hot, waking up freezing from the open window and a thermostat that decided to cooperate, then waking up later roasting, and repeating this cycle every 2 hours or so until the morning gave me a week-long bout of headaches, semi-fevers, chills, and congestion.  The ante-room in my "suite" seemed to stay at a more constant temperature so I decided to sleep in there and see what happened. I present to you my MTV cribs photoshoot.

Baller bed.  If this thing was any bigger, I could have actually fit on it.

I thought I'd kick whatever cold I might have had by chugging V8 and gatorade.  Bought milk to mix with my protein powder.  Note to self, cookies and cream flavor protein powder with milk is gross.

It looked better on the bag.  MTV Cribs note: custom china and utensils.

Yes, this is Real Housewives.  One of the few channels showing something in English that wasn't a movie they'd already played 10 times.  MTV cribs note: Why have a big flat screen when you can have a small one?  I'm pretty sure my latptop screen is bigger.  See the DVD player?  Plays VHS too.  Because I brought so many VHS tapes to watch on my trip...

This 18th century reproduction Victorian lamp was held together by Scotch tape.  I'd hate for such a relic to have to be replaced with something from the 20th century.

Can you tell I really liked this hotel?  The one saving grace was Otis Spunkmeyer muffins at breakfast.  We crushed those every day.

I'll wrap up the post with some clothes pictures from various teaching days.  ROK your socks!

Orange socks on Halloween.

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