Saturday, November 3, 2012

A real meal

Not every job lets you get so close to military equipment so I usually try to take pictures of humvees and the like when I can.  Gary and I went to Carroll to upgrade more equipment at the end of the week and that night went to dinner with some of the civilian guys we worked with on post.  It was Korean style barbecue with bean sprouts, kimchi, beer, soju, beef, and pork.  I think we're going to try to orchestrate something similar at every location we go to.  Good food, good company, and a nice change of pace from the hotel/PX.

Mr Yum sleeping in the van while we do some work

In Daegu going to dinner

Bean sprouts, Kimchi in the bowl on the hotplate

Porkbelly starting to cook?  Was like bacon but fattier and crispier.

Soju in the green bottle.  Supposedly even girls here can drink 2 bottles by themselves.  I think that would put most Westerners in a gutter.  I was feeling it after 2 shots..

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